1 Thessalonians 2:5-12

1 Thessalonians 2:5-12
These verses lay out two separate points: the message and the messenger. 

The message. As stated in previous posts, the Gospel stands on its own. There is nothing that needs to be done to it whether it is to make it harder or softer of a message. The message is simply the Gospel. Unfortunately, we live in a time where the Gospel, like never before, is constantly under attack by changing the message for the message’s sake. This makes absolutely no sense. Our culture is ever-growing more away from Biblical truth yet claiming a Biblical foundation in some aspects all the way to all out apostasy. It doesn’t take much to search the internet to see what “prominent” Christians are saying or simply turn on a secular radio station and really listen to what is being sung. 

Paul challenged against two points with the message: flattering words and cloak for covetousness. The use of flattering words is telling people what they want to hear. This can viewed in one aspect as not challenging the sinner with sin. We live in a society where sin is being redefined. Telling someone what they want to hear is not confronting them with what they need to hear which is, in reality, what all of us need to hear. We can relate this to any of us who manages people in our work. Is it better to tell your employee everything is ok they are doing just fine when they are not? Or, is it better to tell them what they are falling short on, so they can improve themselves, be a better employee, and be more successful in their career? Using flattering words is destructive to say the least. Cloak for covetousness would relate to hidden motives. Covet is specifically called out in the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not covet. The cloak that surrounds it is speech and actions that would intend to reach a desired effect when the effect would not be what is truly needed and would be self-serving in nature. 

The messenger. Really, the messengers are speaking of Paul and company who delivered the message. These verses detail the desire of Paul and his companions to ensure the message was delivered and delivered appropriately. Two main themes are present: as a loving mother and as a concerned father. A challenge parents have to them is to properly raise their children in the way they should go. Parents shepherd their children. Paul, Silvanus and Timothy were as parents to the Thessalonians or as shepherds to this flock. That was their viewpoint in the delivery of the Gospel, no different than a pastor is to be to the congregation, parents are to be to their children, and Believers are to be to other Believers and non-Believers alike. 


1 Thessalonians 2:13


1 Thessalonians 2:4