Upcoming events.
Join us as we serve the city of Urbandale in various ways, enjoy a meal together, as well as worship and hear some amazing testimonies of what God is doing.
Bible Club leaf Raking
Bible Club is going to rake leaves for the community. Join in from 4-5 and serve with our youth.

Burgers and Bags Backyard Bro Bash
Men entering High school this fall and older.
Bags tournament with Burgers and food provided for dinner.
Why"? To chat, eat, and compete.

Let’s serve our city together. Bring gloves and dress for the weather.
We will clean up leaves, pick up trash and beautify these city parks for Urbandale.

Pancake Breakfast
Come enjoy a pancake breakfast served by your pastors. This is followed by a family friendly/Coummunity Building, fun activity.

Urbandale Easter Egg Hunt
Volunteers come serve our city by simply spreading eggs, and helping with crowd control. This is a simple way to remind our City, ‘we are for you.’

Sock Hop Dance
Join us for a 50's Sock Hop!
Saturday, February 18
6:30pm - 8:30pm
$5 admission
7605 Aurora Ave
Dads, grab your little gals and moms, bring the dudes for our annual family dance!

High School Youth Group
CityPoint High School Youth Group! Every Wednesday at 7:15pm. Invite a friend!

Junior High Youth Group
CityPoint Youth Group! Every Wednesday at 6:00pm. Invite a friend!

Bible Club
Our weekly Bible study and fellowship time for Students in K-5th grade. We have fun in the gym, snack time, Bible lessons, games, and songs each week. All K-5th graders are welcome, and if you’re older and want to join in we love having student and adult volunteers to help out each week.

Chili Cook Off - Lion’s Park Sunday Meal
We’ll be meeting for our monthly meal and worship inside Lion’s Park Shelter.
Chili Cook-Off
February 12, 2023 is Chili Cook-Off! Please, sign up if you wish to bring chili to share with the group and to be judged for the best Chili (there will be a prize)! Don’t forget that you will have to name your Chili! If you don’t wish to bring chili but would like to bring your favorite side for chili please sign up at church, email, or text Kim and/or Jackie with what you will bring. Kim.CityPointu@gmail.comor 515-491-9744 or Jackie atkoslo828@gmail.comor 515-710-5565.
Here is the list of People that signed up to make chili
Lee Baumgardner
Alana Gentosi
Debbie Clarkson
Caden Burns/Calen Borg
Andrew/Judah Reed
Mike Haynes
Michele Burns
Keeva O'Mealey
You can still sign up if you wish! Also, we have a sign up for sides. Whatever you like on your chili please sign up for it. That way we don't double up on items.

High School Youth Group
CityPoint High School Youth Group! Every Wednesday at 7:15pm. Invite a friend!

Junior High Youth Group
CityPoint Youth Group! Every Wednesday at 6:00pm. Invite a friend!

Bible Club
Our weekly Bible study and fellowship time for Students in K-5th grade. We have fun in the gym, snack time, Bible lessons, games, and songs each week. All K-5th graders are welcome, and if you’re older and want to join in we love having student and adult volunteers to help out each week.

High School Youth Group
CityPoint High School Youth Group! Every Wednesday at 7:15pm. Invite a friend!

Junior High Youth Group
CityPoint Youth Group! Every Wednesday at 6:00pm. Invite a friend!

Bible Club
Our weekly Bible study and fellowship time for Students in K-5th grade. We have fun in the gym, snack time, Bible lessons, games, and songs each week. All K-5th graders are welcome, and if you’re older and want to join in we love having student and adult volunteers to help out each week.

No Gathering - Sabbath Rest
5th Sunday of the Month
Take some time this Sunday to Rest in Prayer!

Men's Conference at First Family
CityPoint Men,
Annually for the past 4 years we have attended the Iowa Men's Conference at our sending Church, First Family Church, Ankeny.
Below is an email from First Family Discipleship Pastor, Travis Walker. I highly encourage you to check it our and sign up.
Hey FFC men,
I'm excited to share the details for the 2023 Men's Conference! Please mark January 27–28 on your calendar and make every effort to join us! Then, register as soon as you know you can make it.
I'm excited to introduce our speaker and my friend, Tony Tice, to you! Tony is the Lead Pastor of Church on the Rock in Indiana and is the president of Uncaged Bible Ministry. He is a gifted communicator and loves encouraging men to grow in their walk with Christ. You will love hearing him communicate God's Word and will walk away encouraged and challenged.
This year, we hope you will invite your unsaved or unchurched friends, co-workers, or family members to join us. Everyone who registers for this year's conference is welcome to bring an unsaved person with them for free.
Also, we know people's schedules are crazy, so this year you are welcome to come just Friday night if you aren't available Saturday. So, when you register, feel free to sign up for just Friday night or for both days. Friday night will have an evangelistic focus and is ideal for inviting someone who doesn't know Jesus, and Saturday is more of an equipping time for believers. Here's what the weekend will look like:
Friday, January 27: Meal, Session, and a ton of fun!
5:30pm Dinner
6:30pm Main Session 1
8pm Late Night Activities
Saturday, January 28: 2 Meals, 2 Sessions, 1 Breakout, and a final Q&A time
8am Breakfast
8:45am Main Session 2
10am Coffee Break
10:10am Breakout Session
11:10am Main Session 3
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Panel/ Q&A
2:30pm Dismiss
Every year we strive to improve this event, and I can't wait for you to experience the changes we have made for this year! Please join us, bring your Small Group, and invite an unsaved/unchurched friend.
It's going to be a blast. See you then!
Travis Walker
Discipleship Pastor

High School Youth Group
CityPoint High School Youth Group! Every Wednesday at 7:15pm. Invite a friend!

Junior High Youth Group
CityPoint Youth Group! Every Wednesday at 6:00pm. Invite a friend!

Bible Club
Our weekly Bible study and fellowship time for Students in K-5th grade. We have fun in the gym, snack time, Bible lessons, games, and songs each week. All K-5th graders are welcome, and if you’re older and want to join in we love having student and adult volunteers to help out each week.
Hey All!! Parents of Bible Clubbers and Leaders:
So apparently there is NO SCHOOL in two weeks, Monday January 16. I decided to not start Bible Club until after that. Keeping life simple as best as we can.
Our first day back to Bible Club will be Monday, January 23…(watch it’ll be a snow day!!).
Tell your students I love them and miss them much, and can’t wait to see them then!
If you feel lead to help out in anyway, we are always taking help! Let me know. Or if you’d like to help me feed this crazy bunch, you can sign up below. I’ve had people order food from amazon before, too, and send it our way. Whatever you feel lead to do, we never expect it.
Thank you all!
Snack Help Sign up:

Intentional Fatherhood
We are looking for ALL fathers to attend this meeting. Even if you don't have children living at home
we ask that you join the discussion.
Twisted Bean
Merle Hay Road
Private Meeting Room