Bible Club 2022 - Story and Update

Bible Club Ministry began in 2014 in Ankeny, Iowa where the Reed family heard God’s calling in reaching their neighbors with the stories from the Bible, to children who had never heard about Noah. If these children didn’t know about Noah, did they know about Jesus? The urgency to tell them was desperate.

In 2016, God moved the family to Urbandale, Iowa where He would begin to do a new thing. Bible Club was started again, with the same idea but to a different crowd: tell students the truths of the Bible, in story format. By 2018, Bible club had grown to over 50 students coming to the Reeds’ home on a weekly basis. It was time to multiply! When 2019 came around the corner, there were 3 different Bible Clubs in Urbandale hosted by CityPoint Church members, and a middle school group had formed (due to the original Bible Clubbers moving up to 6th grade).

Covid had a dramatic impact on the group as we immediately stopped meeting and moved all Bible Clubs online to finish off the spring season in 2020.

By January 2021, the Reeds' were eager to get the kids in the Bible again. The beautiful thing about Bible Club was the convenience it offered to families. School would end on Wednesdays and students were able to walk to the Reeds’ home for the study. The group started small that winter, but by the end of the school year, the one home was approaching 50 students again. Unfortunately, in the fall of 2021, the school in which Bible Club originated was torn down and students were sent a few miles away, no longer convenient nor close. We prayed, we searched and we even begged local churches to allow us to meet in their buildings near the new school but nothing came available. Finally, in October of 2021, one church changed their mind and allowed us to begin meeting.

This was a huge change. No longer was Bible Club a convenient place to walk to, nor was it in a home. Nevertheless, the mission was clear: children need to know about Jesus. We started back up in December 2021, believing and teaching that the Bible is true and the Bible is right. Students from 6 different elementary schools were able to attend Bible Club this school year. There were new obstacles to attack, but the Lord provided in every way. We still served snacks, sang songs, told stories and had lots of fun.

Three things that make Bible Club unique: “mo-mos”, Stumper Questions and student leadership. A mo-mo is an action about the story learned for the day, they learn one momo a week and recite them every gathering. A stumper Question is when the students have an opportunity to ask a leader a question about the story they just heard, in hopes to stump said leader.

We believe discipleship is important and can happen at any age. That is why around 30 middle school students were eager to serve at Bible Club this year. A schedule was needed to be created in order to allow all students the opportunity to serve, many of whom went to Bible Club when they were in elementary school. These students meet beforehand to pray for each Bible Clubber by name, asked to lead Stumper Questions, and even lead the story. They clean, vacuum, pick up trash and wash dishes.

This year, 2022, we had an average of 46 elementary students on a weekly basis. Only 4 of those students are a part of CityPoint Church. Of the 46, 43% of the group would say they belong to another church. Yet, 48% of the group are unchurched. That is, they do not go to church at all. This truly is an outreach opportunity.

Thanks to a member of CityPoint Church and the BCI, we were able to give 22 Teen Study Bibles at our 5th grade graduation. Our hope is that these students will continue to come to CP’s middle school youth group in the fall.

The students who were a part of Urbandale’s original Bible Club back in 2016 will be freshman this fall. They have been faithful and growing spiritually and numerically these past four years. We have seen many children be saved this spring especially. Our desire is to continue to teach and disciple them through high school. Please be in prayer, for the harvest is great yet the workers are few.

Thank you to all who have helped make this incredible opportunity happen.

-Heather Reed


We’re Imperfect Ambassadors to Unexpected People


Celebrating our Bible Club Students