Desiring God

Desiring God

Of all the things that we could desire in this life, nothing compares to the Word of God. In the winter we get stir crazy, and I tend to do stupid things when I get bored or stuck in the same place. Especially in this time of quarantine we need to fight boredom or laziness.

How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word.

Psalm 119:9

Psalm 119:9 says, "How can a young man keep his way pure?" Answer: By keeping God's word. To keep God's word we need to know it. We need to spend time in it. Verse 5 says that if I were committed to keeping God's word then I would not feel shame when thinking about it. Our conscience is a good thing.

God graces us with a conscience, to pull us back towards a life lived desiring and following God's word.

If we feel shame when thinking about God's word, God's commands, that is God's grace giving us a conscience to pull us back towards a life lived to follow God's word. The path of life away from God's word is destructive. God wants us to pursue purity, and be at peace. Love His word. Know His word. Be intimate with His word. How will we use our time well during this extra time at home? Be in his word, pray, talk to God. Lead your family to do the same. 

-Pastor Nick


For God So Loved


Truth For a Broken World