God With Us - A Song for Advent
This coming Sunday in our advent series, we’ll be in Matthew 1:18-25 looking at the birth narrative found there and its implications. We will also be introducing a new song about the name of Jesus and his prophetic title: Immanuel, which the angel specifies to mean “God with us” in Matthew 1:23.
Jesus, came from the Hebrew name yeshua', which means “Yahweh saves.” [FSB] which in Matthew 1:21 the angel said “you shall call His name Jesus,” This name meant “YHWH saves,” “YHWH brings salvation” or “YHWH is Savior” which is the Hebrew name “Joshua.”
Jesus was was being described as and declared to be the fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14 from the start of the Gospel account, and the rest of Matthew’s account fleshes out this claim. It culminates in the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross, and then ends with a parenthetical mirror of the claim that Jesus was “God with us”. This is because
”In Jesus, God has provided for salvation from sin and has healed the broken relationship between himself and his people, making it possible for God, in Jesus, to be “with” his disciples “always, to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20).” [GTB]
“YHWH saves,” “YHWH brings salvation” or “YHWH is Savior”
You've come
To bring peace
To be love
To be nearer to us
You've come
To bring life
To be light
To shine brighter in us
Oh Emmanuel
God with us
Our Deliverer
You are Savior
In Your presence we find our strength
Over everything
Our redemption
God with us
You are God with us
You've come
To be hope
To this world
For Your honor and name
You've come
To take sin
To bear shame
And to conquer the grave
You are here and
You are holy
We are standing
In Your glory Lord