Imminency of the Rapture, Part 3


Our next meeting will be June 27th at 5:30 (yes, starting a little sooner) for Prophecy over Pasta. We will have pasta on that night for anyone who would like to attend. We will start our discussion on the doctrine of the Rapture. This may take more than one session. We will see how it goes.


As always, be a Berean and challenge, with Scripture, what is written here, the words I say or anyone, for that matter, who speaks about the Bible. The church as a whole, in our society, would not be so far off track if Christians who sit in church would know, study, and challenge all things against Scripture. This is incumbent on all of us. Remember, the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). This is why prophecy is pivotal to our walk with Jesus. He made a promise, and He will fulfill it! Praise HIM!!!

He made a promise, and He will fulfill it! Praise HIM!!!

This week we covered the final event that is personal to me in how we are so very close to the tribulation period which means the Rapture is that much more imminent. This event is the global system. It can be broken down in several bullet points: a government which needs a leader, that requires a monetary system, and a religion. All these points are rushing toward completion. They are not complete yet, but we are on a fast push forward.

First, we would be remiss if we didn’t tie anything we discuss with Scripture. We reviewed two vital, parallel passages of Scripture together: Daniel 7 and Revelation 13. First, we will break down Daniel 7 then discuss Revelation 13 providing some interesting parallels. As always, we will be scratching the surface. There are far more correlations with Daniel 7 and other portions of Revelation as well as much deeper discussions to be had.

Daniel 7

First off, Daniel is broken into two sections: Daniel 1-6 and then 7-12. Daniel 1-6 are chapters that provide a historical narrative. Daniel 7-12 are chapters that provide Daniel’s prophetic experiences. Thus, there are overlapping timelines from Daniel 1-6 and 7-12. Daniel 7 starts out with “In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon.” This is prior to the events in Daniel 6 which were the Medo-Persian empire which destroyed the Babylonian empire. Belshazzar was Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson. Belshazzar was the king during the infamous handwriting on the wall incident of Daniel 5 which was immediately proceeding the destruction of Babylon by Medo-Persia. Therefore, Daniel 7 takes place before the events of Daniel 5’s recordings.

Verses 1-8: Daniel sees the Great Sea being stirred up which is indicative of the Gentile nations. He sees three beasts: one like a lion, one like a bear, one like a leopard, and one dreadful and terrible. Here we get a few “likes” of prophecy which simply means he sees something that he doesn’t quite know what he is seeing, so he is referring to them in human terms that the reader can understand. This is no different than the baptism of Jesus that we have discussed. The Holy Spirit wasn’t a dove. He descended in the likeness of a dove. Human terms for the spiritual dimension.

The beasts are recognized as: Babylon (lion), Medo-Persia (bear), Greece (leopard), Romans (dreadful and terrible). As the Roman Empire was current during the first coming of Jesus so shall it be at the second. (A revived world wide empire). This goes back to the prophecy point of what was, will be. In essence, we are talking about earthly kingdoms or governments.

Verses 9-10: Judgement is coming, God is about to pour out His wrath.

Verses 11-14: the anti-christ is destroyed, Satan is bound, Jesus sets up His Millennial Reign.

Verses 15-20: Daniel is troubled and wants the interpretation. This is all explained.

Verses 21-28: The anti-christ kingdom, the final kingdom before Jesus rules and reigns on earth, is explained. It is a whole earth kingdom of the anti-christ. We see this being formed today. “Time, times and half a time” is the timeline of the anti-christ’s complete reign on earth. This is 3 1/2 years: time (1 year), times (2 years), and half a time (1/2) year. John used this same phrase in Revelation 12. We see this throughout Scripture. We also see 1260 days or 42 months. The prophetic calendar is 12 months of 360 days…always!

Then, we have the dominion of the anti-christ is removed and turned over to Jesus. Saints…there are several saints throughout Scripture: Old Testament Saints (those who died prior to Jesus’ resurrection), New Testament Saints (those since Jesus’ resurrection until the Rapture), Tribulation Saints (which is what this passage is speaking of are those who do not take the mark of the beast, and turn to Jesus during the tribulation), and Millennial Saints (those who do not rebel with Satan once he is loosed at the end of the Millennial Reign). We could spend much time on this topic alone.

Revelation 13

Verse 1: John is standing on the sand of the sea: Daniel sees the Great Sea. John sees a beast rising up from the sea with seven heads and ten horns: Daniel sees a beast with ten horns. John sees a blasphemous name on the horns: Daniel sees the mouth speaking pompous words.

Verse 2: John sees the beast as a conglomeration of a leopard, bear and lion: Daniel sees them in reverse order as three separate beasts. This is interesting in light of timeline. Daniel is seeing things from further back in history looking forward. John is further in the prophetic timeline, so he sees them in reverse and as one which indicates it is complete or been completed. John is seeing the final beast kingdom as a conglomeration of all the kingdoms into one, mass kingdom. Again, this is a final world empire. The dragon is Satan who was clearly identified in Revelation 12.

Verse 3: John notes the beast will be wounded with his deadly wound healed. Satan always mimics God. Here we have a mimic of resurrection.

Verse 4: John notes worship of the dragon which is where we have religion as part of this.

Verse 5: John notes 42 months: Daniel notes time, times, and half a time. (same thing)

Verse 6: John notes how the beast will blaspheme: Daniel notes some of this detail in Daniel 9:27.

Verse 7: John notes making war with the saints: Daniel notes the same thing. John notes the beast will have authority over every tribe, tongue, and nation: Daniel notes it shall devour the whole earth.

Verse 8: Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth. It doesn’t flow very well in the English. The Book of Life contains every name from all human history within it as it is from the foundation of the world. It is the Lamb who was slain’s book. If you choose to follow Christ, your name remains written in it. If you reject Christ, your name is blotted from it. This is yet another study.

Verses 9-10: a warning to those during this period of time.

Verses 11-18: John notes another beast coming out of the earth. We will make this short and sweet. The dragon is Satan. The first beast is identified as the anti-christ. This other beast is identified as the false prophet. Here, we have an unholy trinity. Again and again and always, Satan mimics God. Scripture specifically states, “Satan masquerades as an angel of light.” Now, people want to try and identify the nationality of the anti-christ and false prophetic. The most clean way of viewing this if it really even needs viewed that way which I don’t believe it does is the anti-christ will be a Gentile (remember, the sea reference), and the false prophet will be a Jew (land reference with Israel). Again, I don’t believe that needs to occur. I also don’t believe in trying to identify the anti-christ at this point. Yet again, another study in and of itself as it pertains to the anti-christ.

Here, we have an unholy trinity.

Satan, Anti-Christ, False Prophet

The false prophet creates a false religion to force the world to worship the anti-christ. Then, we have an image of the beast set up in the holy of holies. Read back on our notes regarding the coming third temple. The image is also given power. Read back on our notes about AI. Then, we have the mark that people must receive in order to buy, sell, or trade. Again, we have a mimic. In Revelation 7, the 144,000 male Jews are marked to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Satan wants to mimic with his followers too. The reception of the mark will include worship of the image of the beast. Then, we have the identifying number: 666. Some old manuscripts actually state 616 which I found interesting. Nonetheless, there you have it.

Now that we have established there will be a one-world government that requires a leader, needs a currency, and must have a religion, we should see these things building if we are nearing this period in the prophetic timeline. If you are paying attention to what is going on in the world, you will most assuredly know it is true. I am going to post a series of articles below that will just scratch the surface. This stuff is expanding near daily.

As it pertains a one-world government:

  1. This is from the World Economic Forum (WEF) on how globalization is working better than it ever has been:

  2. Here is an article about how the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General is calling for a “coalition of the world”:

  3. Here is another UN article about the “Common Agenda” and “Sustainable Development Goals” which one of the explicit goals (not listed in this article) is to remove the US as global superpower:*7dexe3*_ga*MTc4NTQ2Njg5NS4xNjg1MzU4MTg4*_ga_TK9BQL5X7Z*MTY4NTM1ODE4OC4xLjAuMTY4NTM1ODE4OC4wLjAuMA..

  4. This is posted by our Department of National Intelligence on global governance:

As it pertains to a monetary system:

  1. This is a good website in general regarding what is going on on a regular basis with what we have been talking about: signs of an imminent rapture and prophecy being fulfilled. With the monetary system, go to the 15 May 2023 post:

  2. Here is an article about the digital euro:

  3. Do an internet search on Sam Altman world coin and ID System. This will be a fun rabbit trail…

  4. I also suggest you search Digital Dollar and FedNow which is our push here in the US into a digital currency. Once there is a digital currency, you will be controlled. You don’t bow to LGBTQ, your money will be turned off. You don’t follow a certain set of rules, your money will be turned off. You think this is crazy? You can search how Canada did this to some protesting truckers last year.

As it pertains to a religious system:

  1. Here is the Abrahamic Family House which is being constructed in Abu Dhabi to unite Christianity, Islam and Judaism:

  2. Here is a similar program in Germany:

  3. Here is an article that proposes a temple building on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and each of their mysticism offshoots:

  4. Here is a recent church service in Germany that was conducted by AI:

  5. Here is an article where the WEF is calling for an AI re-write of the Bible:

I think this is enough to at least get your attention as to how far we have progressed in the prophetic timetable. The point of all this is that we are seeing everything being set up for what is required for the 70th Week or the Tribulation to be in full operation. If that is the case, the Rapture of the Church is that much more imminent. Please join us on June 27th for Prophecy over Pasta to discuss the Rapture or wait for the notes to publish to study this yourself. Church! The hour is late! We need to get about our Father’s business…


-Michael Gentosi


Doctrine of the Rapture: Session 1


Imminency of the Rapture, Part 2