Matthew Series Restart

We’re jumping back into our series on the Gospel of Matthew after our summer on “What is the church?” We last finished going up through Matthew 8, so we’ll be picking back up in chapter 9 this coming week. If you want to get your mind back into where we’ve been so far, there’s over 40 Matthew sermon series related resource articles we already have posted on our website, with more to come as we restart our series. 

There’s lots of good resources also linked to from our articles, such as Spoken Gospel and The Bible Project, with good summary videos for the book and chapters. The Bible Project has 2 videos on Matthew, 1-13 and 14-28, so checking out those would be helpful in getting an overview in mind. Here is a summary of Matthew from the Bible Project website: 

Jesus is God with Us
Each Gospel account emphasizes a unique angle on Jesus’ time on Earth. Matthew’s Gospel makes clear, from its opening sentence, that Jesus is the fulfillment and continuation of the Hebrew Scriptures. He is the Messiah from the royal line of David, he is a new Moses, who has come to lead his people into a new covenant, and he is God with us—Immanuel.

Jesus Is the Long-Awaited Jewish Messiah
From the calling of the disciples to the Great Commission, every part of this Gospel account shows readers how the promises and prophecies God made to his people in the Old Testament came to pass through Jesus.

Here’s a summary outline pulled from the Bible Knowledge Commentary for where we’ve been so far, and where we’re about to go next starting in chapter 9: 

    I.      Introduction of the King (1:1–4:11)
      A.      Presentation by ancestry (1:1–17)
      B.      Presentation by advent (1:18–2:23)
      C.      Presentation by an ambassador (3:1–12)
      D.      Presentation through approval (3:13–4:11)
    II.      Communications from the King (4:12–7:29)
      A.      Beginning proclamations (4:12–25)
      B.      Continuing pronouncements (chaps. 5–7)
    III.      Credentials of the King (8:1–11:1)
      A.      His power over disease (8:1–15)
      B.      His power over demonic forces (8:16–17, 28–34)
      C.      His power over men (8:18–22; 9:9)
      D.      His power over nature (8:23–27)
      E.      His power to forgive (9:1–8)
      F.      His power over traditions (9:10–17)
      G.      His power over death (9:18–26)
      H.      His power over darkness (9:27–31)
      I.      His power over dumbness (9:32–34)
      J.      His power to delegate authority (9:35–11:1)

Spend some time this weekend reorienting your mind to the Gospel of Matthew, and if you haven’t been with us through all of Matthew so far, you can read through the sermon summary articles linked on our website and go back through our video streams if you’re feeling extra ambitious. 


The Incalculable Worth of Forgiveness - Sermon Summary Matthew 9:1-8


CityPoint Sermon Summary - Lessons from Camp