Monday Devo - Psalm 1

We are all hedonists. A hedonist is someone who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life. We pursue pleasure and comfort for ourselves whether we know it or not. 

We want to be happy with life. Let’s face it we spend a lot of time pursuing our own pleasure. The problem is that The devil is a liar. 

Read Psalm 1

The CSB version begins, “how HAPPY is the one who does not…” 

-walk in the advice of the wicked 
-stand in the pathway with sinners
-sit in the company of mockers

Our society is full of things we could pursue for our “happiness” but they are empty and temporary. As a matter of fact, they are evil. Evil because we end up pursuing those things over a pursuit of God. 

True happiness, or should I say contentment in life, comes only from a pursuit of the ways, and instruction of the Lord (verse 2). That person will be planted and have a steady flow of the water of life. 

The wicked will blow away like chaff. Their pursuits are ever changing with the wind. 

May we be steadfast in the promises of God and His righteousness, as we pursue pleasure that is real and from Him alone.


Monday Devo - Psalm 2


Resource - Spoken Gospel