CityPoint Updates 2-15-22

Mondays - Bible Club - 3:00-5:00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday's - LifeGroups
Wednesday's - Youth Group - 6:00-8:00pm
Friday's - Girl's for Greatness - 7:00am
Sunday's - Prayer before Church Gathering - 4:15pm
Sunday - Sunday Gathering - 5:00pm Urban Heights Church Building

February 18th - "A Night at the Ball" - 6:30-8:30pm
February 25, 26, 27 - 12th Annual Iowa Youth Rally
February 26 - Mugs and Muffins - POSTPONED TO MARCH 26TH

12TH Annual Iowa Youth Rally - February 25, 26, 27
This is much like camp, but only for a weekend. We will stay in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Cost: $25.00
Grades 6th-12th
Where: Bethany Bible Chapel
Activities include: Messages from the Bible by Micah Tuttle, group games, sport tournaments, break-out seminars and so much more!

Mugs & Muffins has been postponed until March 26th

Baptism Sunday 3/6

We have an amazing opportunity Sunday, March 6th to have another Baptism. In order for everyone being Baptized we will have a informational meeting/class February 27th @4:00pm. If you would like to learn more about being Baptized or your have questions about your next steps in your Faith journey please email Pastor Nick at -

This is also our 4 year anniversary/birthday! We will be celebrating after the service! Please join us.

Easter Egg Craze

April 16th - Easter Craze
April 17th - Easter Gathering

This is an amazing opportunity to connect with, and serve our community around Easter time, as well as invite them to our Easter Service.

There will be an Egg Hunt, Music, Easter Story, Food, and prize drawings. This is gonna be great and a lot of fun for all ages!

Please sign up if you're able to help organize or simply just want to volunteer wherever needed.

Generosity: As always, Thank You to everyone who gives financially. Please consider moving us forward in God's vision for CityPoint Church by clicking on the "Give Now" button below.


CityPoint Update 2-22-22


CityPoint Update - 2-8-22