CityPoint Updates Week of 1-15-23

Hello CityPoint:  

Here is a quick calendar glance for current and upcoming events:

Bible Club - (K-5th Grade) will resume JANUARY 23, 2023
After School until 5:00pm
Urban Heights Church Bldg.

Jr. High Youth Group - Wednesday
Urban Heights Church Bldg.

High School Youth Group - Wednesday
Reed's Home - 3317 Melanie Dr.

January 21st
Intentional Fatherhood - Session 1
Twisted Bean - Merle Hay Road

Sunday Gathering - January 22nd
Reeds Home
3317 Melanie Dr., Urbandale

5th Sunday of the Month 


We are looking for ALL fathers to attend this meeting.  Even if you don't have children living at home we ask that you join the discussion.  

Twisted Bean
Merle Hay Road
Private Meeting Room


As Pastor Nick discussed last Sunday on February 12th we will be at Lions Park Shelter House.  We will have a sermon then we will have a chili cook off!  So dust off your recipes.  We will have a sign up sheet this Sunday for anyone who wants to enter into our chili cook off challenge!

In the next few weeks we will have a sign up for sides that we will need for our chili luncheon.

So be on the lookout for the sign-up!

CityPoint Men, 
Annually for the past 4 years we have attended the Iowa Men's Conference at our sending Church, First Family Church, Ankeny. 

Below is an email from First Family Discipleship Pastor, Travis Walker. I highly encourage you to check it our and sign up. 
Hey FFC men,

I'm excited to share the details for the 2023 Men's Conference! Please mark January 27–28 on your calendar and make every effort to join us! Then, register as soon as you know you can make it.

I'm excited to introduce our speaker and my friend, Tony Tice, to you! Tony is the Lead Pastor of Church on the Rock in Indiana and is the president of Uncaged Bible Ministry. He is a gifted communicator and loves encouraging men to grow in their walk with Christ. You will love hearing him communicate God's Word and will walk away encouraged and challenged.

This year, we hope you will invite your unsaved or unchurched friends, co-workers, or family members to join us. Everyone who registers for this year's conference is welcome to bring an unsaved person with them for free.

Also, we know people's schedules are crazy, so this year you are welcome to come just Friday night if you aren't available Saturday. So, when you register, feel free to sign up for just Friday night or for both days. Friday night will have an evangelistic focus and is ideal for inviting someone who doesn't know Jesus, and Saturday is more of an equipping time for believers. Here's what the weekend will look like:

Friday, January 27: Meal, Session, and a ton of fun!
5:30pm Dinner
6:30pm Main Session 1
8pm Late Night Activities

Saturday, January 28: 2 Meals, 2 Sessions, 1 Breakout, and a final Q&A time
8am Breakfast
8:45am Main Session 2
10am Coffee Break
10:10am Breakout Session
11:10am Main Session 3
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Panel/ Q&A
2:30pm Dismiss

Every year we strive to improve this event, and I can't wait for you to experience the changes we have made for this year! Please join us, bring your Small Group, and invite an unsaved/unchurched friend.

It's going to be a blast. See you then!

Travis Walker
Discipleship Pastor

Generosity;  As always, Thank You very much to those who give financially.  Please consider moving us forward in God's vision for CityPoint Church by clicking on the "Give Now" button below.


CityPoint Updates - Week of 1-29-23


CityPoint Update - Week of 1-1-23