Updates 12-28-21

CityPoint Church

Hope you had a restful Christmas Holiday! Here are a few things for this weeks announcements.

This Sunday we will gather for our regular Church Service

Urban Heights Church Building

Hope to see all of you there!

January 16th

The Bible tells us to believe and be baptized. If you believe in Jesus for salvation, and have yet to be baptized, we would love to baptize you. Baptism is simply a public declaration of your faith in sufficiency of the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus to save you from the penalty of your sin.

If this is something weighing on your heart we will have a short informational meeting/class at 4:00pm January 9th before we gather for our church service.

Please look for the sign up sheet at the "Get Connected" table this Sunday!

Looking Ahead

January 29th is the 5th Saturday! This will be our first Service Weekend of 2022! Get it on your calendars! Let's start the year off BIG! More details coming soon.

Generosity: As always, Thank You to everyone who gives financially. Please consider moving us forward in God's vision for CityPoint Church by clicking Give Now


CityPoint Update 1-11-22


Update 12-7-21