Worship Set for Sunday 11-14-21

This week we will be reintroducing a song we haven’t done in a year. The Blessing was a new song that came out in beginning of last year, and has been an encouragement for many during the stresses of the pandemic. The lyrics are derived from Moses' priestly blessing from Numbers 6:24-26. The benediction is a generational prayer God gave to Moses in which the Hebrews ask for His divine favor.

While life is not ultimately about our personal happiness, but about God reconciling us to Himself, and us knowing Christ and making Him known, there are many blessings in this life that we enjoy, family and the relationships God has sovereignly blessed us with most of all. Relationships aren’t easy, and family can be frustrating, but if the Greatest Commandment is to love God and Love people, then God’s intent is for us to grow in those relationships and be a blessing to those we have influence over by pointing them to Christ, the true blessing, and that truly will be a blessing for the generations that follow us.

You can listen to the Blessing below, as well as listen through all 4 songs we’ll be singing together this coming Sunday.

Worship Set for 11/14/21


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