CityPoint Updates 1-25-22
Hello CityPoint Church! Hope everyone is staying warm this week.
I received a message from Sherry Pearson that she wanted me to pass along to you.
Sherry's Dad Lowell is dealing with weakness and not able to walk or get around except by wheelchair for the time being. If you know or remember seeing him at CityPoint in the past, and would like to send him a card or write him a quick note, I know he would LOVE to hear from you. His address is: Lowell Pearson
C/O Pine Acres Care Center
1501 Office Park Rd.
West Des Moines, IA. 50265
Tuesday: LifeGroups - 6:00pm
Wednesday: YouthGroup - 6-8pm
Wednesday: LifeGroups - 6:30pm
Friday & Saturday: Mens conference - NEXT
Saturday: Service Weekend Event
Sunday: 5th Sunday of the Month - NO church
Register below to help with our upcoming Easter Egg Craze. (Details in the Registration)
This is an amazing opportunity to connect with, and serve our community around Easter time, as well as invite them to our Easter Service.
There will be and Egg hunt, Live Music, Easter Story, Food trucks, and prize drawings. This is gonna be great.
JANUARY 29, 2022 – Donation Drive! See you all at the church at 9am! Donuts and Coffee will be provided! If you haven’t already and you are on Facebook please share the post. Tell your friends. Make sure you got all those flyers handed out. We are super excited to serve together. This is more than a donation drive to serve. We also are going to have the opportunity to invite people to church and pray over people and share Jesus’ Love with them. Be BOLD CityPoint!
We will also have group leave during that time to go serve CityPoint by moving Kim’s office to her house. IF you have a truck and we are able to utilize it to put stuff in it please bring it with you! After Prayer, doughnuts and coffee a group of us will leave Urban Heights and meet at the church office to load items in trucks to take to Kim's house. Some items will go to Kim's and some back to the Church for Refugee Donation.
Kim is so "Thankful" to all who can help. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact her.
Cell # (515) 491-9744
Generosity: As always, Thank You to everyone who gives financially. Please consider moving us forward in God's vision for CityPoint Church by clicking on the "Give Now" button below.