Weekly Updates 11-9-21
Hello CityPoint Church! Just a few announcements for you to take note of. Get your calendar out so you can mark down some event dates.
This will be our last Sunday for you to donate to our Adopt A Family donation bucket.
We will let you know what date we will go shopping for the families. We will also have a wrapping the gifts day as well as delivering the Christmas presents to the families. The dates will be finalized soon. UCAN has not given us our names of the families as of yet. So be on the lookout for that information coming soon.
"Men Rising Up" will meet Saturday, November 13th at Twisted Bean on Merle Hay Road from 7:00-8:30am. This is a Mens event. Please join us as we gather to be authentic, make spiritual friendships as well as keeping each other accountable.
Our sending church, First Family Church in Ankeny, has invited us to a night of worship, along with all of the other 435 network Churches.
NOVEMBER 19 @ 6:00PM
This will be a great opportunity for us to go, and be refreshed together as we lift up the name of Jesus together.
Child care is available (birth-Preschool) at the 6:00 service, and I would like to encourage all who can attend, to make this a priority for that night. Please Register below.
November 28 @ 11:00 am
Joint service with Shalom Covenant Church
Join us at 11am for a joint service with Shalom church. God is doing some cool things in our partnership with them, and we want you to experience these things.
*The service will be followed by a potluck in the gym. Please bring a dish to share.
December 4th – Back to Bethlehem – Community Event – 9am to Noon – this will be an outside event. There will be live animals (not a petting zoo) Donkey, Sheep, and Camel……The straw that is rented goes around the animals and also makes up the stable/manger. There will be a giveaway for the kids (crafty thing). There will be cookies and hot coco, coffee, and apple cider. The story of Jesus’s birth will be read and then there will be “actors” that just follow along with the reading. So Mary, Joseph, Angels, and Shepherds. There will be a big ol tarp that hangs outside that looks like the desert. They will want people to do half hour shifts. That way if it is super cold then people can get warmed up inside. The costumes go on over peoples clothes. Kids can participate.
What is needed: Volunteers on 11/20 from 8:30am to 10:30am to do a practice run of setting everything up to determine what all needs to be ready for the 4th. They have not done all of it outside before. So the “store fronts” and so forth have to be figured out. On the 4th help with set up, tear down, actors, readers, greeters (talking it up with people while they get their drink and cookies), dressers (people to help get the costumes on over the clothes.
Please sign up with the button below if you can help with "Back to Bethlehem"
Generosity: As always Thank-You to everyone who gives financially. Please consider moving us forward in God's vision for CityPoint Church by clicking the button below