Update 11-2-21
This weeks calendar at a Glance
November 2 & 3 - LifeGroups - If you are not signed up for LifeGroups please get in touch with Pastor Nick (Nick.CityPointu@gmail.com) or Matt O'Mealey (gix.mto@gmail.com)
November 3 - Youth Group at Urban Heights Church Building
6:15 - 8:00 pm
November 7 - Sunday Gathering, 5:00pm - Urban Heights Church Building
We have moved our Thursday night Prayer event to Sundays before our church service begins. We now will meet at 4:15pm in the Prayer Room to Pray over our City, State, Fire Department, Police, CityPoint Church, etc.
November 7th - Paul Clark Concert - 7:00pm
Looking Ahead
Our November 6th Service Event has been postponed. We are going to save this event until Spring when it gets a little warmer outside. So in lieu of our car scavenger hunt we would like to have our church congregation consider inviting someone over to your house for dinner or you can meet somewhere and eat out. Just a fun fellowship evening.
November 7th - Paul Clark concert - 7:00pm - Contemporary Christian Music
Urban Heights has invited CityPoint to the Paul Clark concert. This concert will follow our Sunday Gathering Church Service.
December 4th – Back to Bethlehem – Community Event – 9am to Noon – this will be an outside event. There will be live animals (not a petting zoo) Donkey, Sheep, and Camel……The straw that is rented goes around the animals and also makes up the stable/manger. There will be a giveaway for the kids (crafty thing). There will be cookies and hot coco, coffee, and apple cider. The story of Jesus’s birth will be read and then there will be “actors” that just follow along with the reading. So Mary, Joseph, Angels, and Shepherds. There will be a big ol tarp that hangs outside that looks like the desert. They will want people to do half hour shifts. That way if it is super cold then people can get warmed up inside. The costumes go on over peoples clothes. Kids can participate.
What is needed: Volunteers on 11/20 from 8:30am to 10:30am to do a practice run of setting everything up to determine what all needs to be to be ready for the 4th. They have not done all of it outside before. So the “store fronts” and so forth have to be figured out. On the 4th help with set up, tear down, actors, readers, greeters (talking it up with people while they get their drink and cookies), dressers (people to help get the costumes on over the clothes.
Please sign up with the button below if you can help with "Back to Bethlehem"
We will continue to have our "Donation Bucket" at the Get Connected table or Jackie Kosloske will have it with her this Sunday. If you're unsure of what Adopt A Family is you can go to UCAN's website. This is near and dear to CityPoint. We collect donations for families that have fallen on hard times and can't afford Christmas. Sometimes the families do not have a Christmas Tree or any decorations. We then go shopping for the families that we receive from UCAN. We shop for each family member and give them a gift card for a Christmas Dinner. The families are usually around the Urbandale area.
Please drop off your spare change, cash or check into the donation bucket!
GENEROSITY: As always, Thank-You to everyone who gives financially. Please consider moving us forward in God's vision for CityPoint Church by clicking on Give Now