Update 10-24-21

Please take two minutes to fill out this form about media and worship at CityPoint to help us better serve you, and connect with you.


October 26 & 27 - LifeGroups

October 27th - Middle School Youth Group - Urban Heights Church Building, 6:15-8:00pm

October 28th - Trunk or Treat at Urbandale Police Station

October 30th - Meals From The Heartland - 8:45-11:00

October 31st - NO SUNDAY GATHERING- It's the 5th week of the month - It's our service weekend

November 7th - Paul Clark (Contemporary Christian Music) concert after our Church Service 


Urban Heights, Shalom and CityPoint will come together to put on "Back to Bethlehem" for the community.  This is an event that has taken place for many years in the past.  They have had "storefronts" set up in the gym, the story of Jesus' birth, animals outside, and so much more.  This year everything will be outside. There will be storefronts set up outside with crafts, there will be animals,, the story of Jesus' birth will be told and fun treats!  This will take place the first Saturday in December, 4th 2021.  We need volunteers to bake cookies, to help tell the story of Jesus, to help get people in and out of costume, to help with the store fronts.  If you have a specific interest Let Jackie Kosloske know.


Thursday, October 28th is the annual Trunk or Treat at the Urbandale Police Station.  We will be decorating the sidewalk between Walker Johnston Park up to the Police Station.  We will be meeting at 4pm at the Walker Johnston Park over by the big silver slide and Debbie Clarkson will let you know what to do.  This is a great way to show the police Department some Love and to encourage our kids to serve.  Let Jackie or Debbie know if you can be there.

Jackie's  email - koslo828@gmail.com

Debbie Clarkson's email - wisconce@gmail.com


Urban Heights Church has invited CityPoint Church  to attend a Paul Clark concert, November 7th at 7:00pm right after our church service has ended.


We will continue to have our "Donation Bucket" for Adopt A Family next to the "Get Connected" table.

Generosity:  As always, Thank-You to everyone who gives financially.  Please consider helping move us forward in God's vision for CityPoint Church by clicking Give Now


Update 11-2-21


Update 10-19-21